Diverse in our Identity, Inclusive in our Approach, Exceptional in our Results.

Proudly celebrating 17 years and counting in business.

Sykes Global Communications is a full-service, Public Relations and Marketing Agency. We combine a sophisticated array of highly advanced disciplines in communications to cultivate or transform the public’s perception of prominent individuals; political candidates; not-for-profit organizations; large and small businesses; and governmental agencies.

Strategic Communications

Political Consulting

Digital Engagement

Event Production

A Team Who Delivers

Our team works closely with our clients to tell their side of the story, while protecting them against existing or potential crises. Our clients’ goals become ours and we provide hands-on senior level management and guidance to the individuals and organizations we commit to faithfully serving in order to reach those goals.

We sustain an intimate amount of attention to every client and the work we provide for them starts and stays at the very top of our organization. Because all of our clients’ needs are different, we provide unique and highly strategic plans and institute and carry out work to always move the needle in the right direction. We are lean and mean, we deliver more with less, and we do so with integrity and social responsibility.

Meet Our Team

Our Clients Have Spoken...

"Thank you both so much for your help and preparation! I wouldn’t have felt nearly as prepared without the two of you. Thank you both for your support and continued insight."

Alexandria Ocasio-CortezCongresswoman New York's 14th Congressional District

How can we support you in reaching your goals?